You're Too Good To Be True

Playing: Alaye by Bayo Adegbite

I broke my bed. It wasn't intentional, I promise. When I finished sorting out stuff yesterday, I decided to dive on the bed. After landing successfully, I heard the wood creak under my weight. 😣
I should have thought twice😭

So often, in our quest to be more popular and to be part of the in-group, we lose sight of things that are far more important... like how there's only one of us and being us is how we fit into the bigger picture.
Because, trust me, you're part of a very large picture, so you're so darn important!

Before, I used to have some sort of People-Centred attitude. People had to tell me what to do, people had to say if something I was doing was OK. It got to a point where if I started doing something and people didn't talk about it that much, it was a sign for me to stop. It was always about people.
Even when things happen in the course of my relationship with someone, I was always thinking, 'Iyanu, what did you do wrong again?'
There are so many things that come with having friends in fact. There's the one who only comes into focus when they need you for something and when it's done, they're blurry again.
There are some who use you as a backup friend just when their main friends are acting all messy.
You gats realise the kind of friend that people see you as. You're no third wheel and will not be treated as such.

I had a whole lot of standards based on 'friends'.
Even at times, the confirmation that I was spiritual had to come from friends. But ah! It's exhausting πŸ˜‚

People are important actually. Like I said in my last post, that no one should be an island but people should never, ever, be your centre. I repeat, PEOPLE SHOULD NEVER BE YOUR CENTRE. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. I MEAN IT! πŸ˜‚

Occasionally, people are unstable. They like to do one kind. Sometimes, they're fake, sometimes they talk behind your back or they develop new friendships and yours becomes less important or they just forget about it totally. I personally experienced that☺
Friends are an unstable foundation so if you base your life on them, you start to find yourself compromising your standards and you'll keep changing it now and then just so your friends can stay.
Understand this; if some people do not take you as highly as you take them, it is very very OK to slow your roll. Calm down.

If they don't respect your opinions and you see them holding that of others up high, it's OK to slow your roll.
They will make it seem like you're overreacting when you talk about it, like you're just saying things. And you, even though the signs are very evident that they don't take you that importantly, you see it as a sign that you're supposed to let it be. Mehn, haven't we been stupid in this life?

A time will come, believe it or not, when having friends won't be the biggest thing in your life.

There was a time I had friends that thought going to parties was the in thing. lol. But as it stands now, I don't even go to a party unless it's work or extremely important that I be there.
Then they tagged it as me being boringπŸ˜ͺ
If who I am is based on my friends and my friends leave, then who am I?

Now, I realise that if I didn't stop being a coward in looking at the things I love doing, I may never have discovered my love for cameras and lenses, or how I like to cook sometimes, or how I prefer to be in my jeans and sneakers than in big skirts, or how I like wearing my brother's shirt because I can breathe properly in them.
Imagine if I was always wearing some fitted stuff, I'd have suffocated a long time agoπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
OK, I'm kidding.

We have to get to a point where we realise that many things that we do, is coming from us. Our wins, our failures, our setbacks, our comebacks. Everything. Is. You. You are the driving force and you're just as important as you place your friends to be.

You too can do amazing stuff you know? And you don't have to be in the crowd. You don't have to blend in my guy. You don't have to yield to the suggestions of people. You're your own stamp of approval.

Like one of my guys said,
As long as it's the right and wise thing to do

Don't stop doing it

Don't stop saying it

Don't stop pushing for it

Don't stop for anybody.

You should check out his blog though,

So, King, you need to need to support yourself and do away with people who are supporting you just halfway or not at all.

Queen, you can do this. You're superwoman and you can achieve anything. Do away with that toxic relationship OK?
If you're feeling them, they have to be feeling you too.

Oh, when you need someone to call you too, and they say, 'I don't have airtime', be sure they mean I don't have airtime at all or I don't have airtime to call you.

May God raise people that
will carry your matter on their head.







  1. I really have been stupid.
    Funny enough this was right on time. This morning i was just letting go of some anger about friends that i held in high esteem and it turns iut they see me as less; better still their go to guy when they need stuffs.

    Nice writeup dear.

    1. They don't deserve youπŸ‘‘πŸ’œ

      Thank you πŸ™Œ

  2. You of all people know how I take dodoπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Please go away

  3. My darling the sky is your starting point, This is an awesome write up and also this is the food the soul of we young ones needs, Peer pressure is eating way too deep into our souls. Sometimes there are even no peer pressure we're sometimes our own pressure due to what we see around us. Thanks for this write up hunny God bless

    1. Then we better start taking care of ourselves because we're the window through which we see the whole world. We by ourselves.

      Amen dear. Thank you for being hereπŸ’œ

  4. Amazing Blog Post ❤️ ❤️

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Amazing write up dear, I'm also a writer, kindly beep me on whatsapp πŸ˜ƒ

    1. Hello!
      Thank you very muchπŸ™
      Thank you for being here πŸ’œ


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